GRP Group COVID-19 Update 17/3/2020

As the COVID-19 situation develops, we want to reassure our clients, suppliers and business partners that GRP has deployed business continuity plans to minimise impact on our staff, whilst continuing to provide a full service to our clients.

To this end our offices, depending on local circumstances are deploying:

  • A full home working business model using secure IT systems
  • A “two team” operating model either by:
    - splitting an extended working day across two discrete teams within the 
      office, or
    - deploying an office and a home working team.

To ensure the welfare of our staff we are following current official advice and guidelines, including:

  • Requiring employees exhibiting specific symptoms to self-isolate in line with government recommendations.
  • Avoiding face to face meetings where possible.
  • Ensuring staff do not travel abroad to affected regions and that any travel undertaken within the UK is absolutely necessary.

This is an unprecedented and fast moving situation, and to ensure we respond pragmatically and  effectively as events unfold, we will continue to develop our capacity for remote / home working across Group businesses and within our central functions. To oversee these arrangements, we have implemented a daily business continuity call for key operational and senior management.