Mike Bruce has been interviewed by Insurance Post following his recent visit to Brown & Brown’s Leadership Council at Daytona Beach

Mike Bruce has been interviewed by Insurance Post following his recent visit to Brown & Brown’s leadership Council at Daytona Beach.

In the article he explains that the UK broking market could learn a lot from the in the US.

“What immediately struck me is how utterly focused the US brokers are on sales and delivering innovative solutions for their clients. Although producers are the undisputed champions of the business, what really struck me was the concept of team selling.”

Mike went on to describe Brown & Brown’s one-team culture for business success:

“There were numerous call outs of examples where ‘branch A’ had helped ‘branch B’ to bring their capabilities to the table to service and/or win business. Clearly, the shared priority is winning the client for Brown & Brown.

The senior leaders are all extremely close to the sales pulse of the business with their own portfolios of clients and active involvement in new business – in contrast to many broking businesses in the UK.”

The article highlights some lessons Mike draws for UK brokers:

“I admire the simplicity of a business that is predicated on sales, and that the entire infrastructure is designed to deliver client customer solutions across the whole business to drive through sales growth. That approach is very liberating, as in the UK we have a tendency to overanalyse our businesses and give too much credence to bureaucracy.

Of course, there will be opportunities in the future to export our UK strengths to our colleagues in the US, and I was struck by how interested my US friends were in how we do business in the UK. On this occasion – my first visit to Brown & Brown HQ – I was there to learn and pick up some good lessons to apply here in the UK.”

To read the full article click here (subscription required) https://www.postonline.co.uk/broker/7951820/grps-mike-bruce-looks-at-what-uk-brokers-can-learn-from-their-us-counterparts